Ender's game netflix

          Ender's game 2

        1. Ender's game summary
        2. Ender's game page count
        3. When was ender's game written
        4. Enders game genre
        5. Ender's game page count.

          Author Biography Information: Orson Scott Card

          Where was he born? Richland, Washington

          When was he born? 1951

          How many brothers and sisters?

          one brother, one sister

          What were his mother and father's names and what did they do ? Willard and Peggy Card

          Where did he go to school?

          Ender's game' author controversy

          Brighem Youry University, University of Utah

          What degrees, if any, does he have ? Ph.D at university of Notre Dame.

          What jobs has he held ? Writer

          What has he pulished? The Abyss, Ainge, Alvin Journeyman : The Tales of Alvin Maker IV, Black Mist and Other Japanese Futures : And Other Japanese Futures , The Carpet Makers , The Changed Man , Characters and Viewpoint, Children of the Mind , Cruel Miracles, The Crystal City : The Tales of Alvin Maker VI , The Dragon Quintet , Dragons of Darkness , Earthborn, The Call of Earth , Empire : A Disturbing Look at a Possible Future , Empire of Dreams and Miracles : The Phobos Science Fiction Anthology, Enchantment , Ender's Game , Ender's Game Gift Edition ,