John coltrane children
Miles davis and john coltrane stockholm 1963!
Farah Jasmine Griffin with Salim Washington
What was john coltrane known for
Martin’s Press
Farah Jasmine Griffin is the professor of comparative literature and African American studies at Columbia University and the director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies at Columbia University in New York City.
Salim Washington is saxophonist and composer and teaches music and Africana Studies at Brooklyn College.
The quote at the beginning of the book is a strong indication of the writers’ attitudes. ‘For many, Miles Davis and John Coltrane were the last major innovators in Jazz’.
The book analyses the upbringing and the early lives of the two musicians.
The contrasts are emphasised. Davis with affluent parents who were able to secure privilege for their son. Coltrane was reared by two women, his mother and an aunt who supported him and shielded him from racism and gave him space and time to develop his music.
The writers see Davis as a mixture of complex masculinity and misogyn